I have Huawei modem E352. Calling facility is not enabled.

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asked by (120 points)
edited by

I have Huawei modem Model E352. I purchased the modem on-line though Ebay. When I purchased the modem I saw the calling feature but there is no any calling facility enabled. When I used the call icon and put the number for calling every time the message is showing as 'Failed'.

Please help us. Is it possible and how?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (100k points)

The calling feature is available only for the Sim cards that have a calling subscription. Of course, the modem will allow you to call but you will need to contact the operator in order to provide you with a Sim card that is enabled for calling.

commented by (120 points)
I have postpaid connection of Idea and Airtel cellular with all incoming,outgoing,GPRS facility.  When i insert the same Sim card into another Modem the calling facility is being succeeded. But through Huawei E352 modem calling being failed every time. Please help me. I Have expend IRS 1800 for this and feeling angry.
commented by (100 points)
Hey Pramod,
Any luck with your voice calls. Im having the same problem !
0 votes
answered by

check your modem with DC-Unlocker to see if it is voice capable. if it is voice capable but calling fails it means the voice feature is disabled and must be enabled. enabling the voice feature on the modem 3G will cost 4Eur using the DC-unlocker, unfortunately there is no other solution in the world to enable the voice feature

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