why cant i directly play radio stations

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asked by about Winamp

hi im patrick, running windows 10, got Winamp 5.666 all works o.k in winamp but the problem is, when i click any radio station i keep getting a window that says, would you like to download the file, behind this window, another window has a status bar . I can drag & drop a radio station from the list to playlist, then click and it plays, but often get multiple playlistings did not have this issue in the past, i could just click a station and it would simply play i can still play bookmarks o.k tried other winamp versions and reinstalls to no avail.Can anyone help thankyou all from patrick

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by

It's good you try with an helwert packard 6930 p. With sim card connection . On YouTube. Org

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