Suggest for how to make Speed Dreams into an online multiplayer games with 16 players.

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asked by about Speed Dreams

Speed Dreams seems to have great potential as an online multiplayer game. Please suggest how to prepare it for online multiplay: What would be the best engine or software to do this with as many as 16 players? Would it be Unity? Thanks

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (102k points)

To make Speed Dreams into an online multiplayer game with 16 players, you would need to modify the game's code to support online multiplayer functionality. This would involve implementing features such as network communication, multiplayer game synchronization, and player matching. It would be best to consult the existing Speed Dreams community or forums for suggestions on the best engine or software to use for this purpose. While Unity is a popular choice for game development, it may or may not be the most suitable option for specifically integrating online multiplayer into Speed Dreams.

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