To format Serena OpenProj PDF printing, including selecting columns to print in the Gantt graph, you can follow these steps:
- Open the OpenProj software on your Windows computer.
- Navigate to the Gantt chart or graph that you want to print.
- Go to the "File" menu and select "Print" or use the shortcut Ctrl+P.
- In the print window, you may have options to customize the print settings. Look for options related to columns or Gantt graph printing.
- Select the specific columns or Gantt graph elements you want to include in the printed PDF.
- Configure any other printing settings as desired, such as page layout, orientation, or scaling.
- Choose the PDF printer option if available (you may need to have a PDF printer installed on your system).
- Click on the "Print" or "Save as PDF" button to generate the PDF file with the desired formatting.
- Specify the location where you want to save the PDF and click "Save."
- The PDF file will be created with the selected formatting settings, including the chosen columns or Gantt graph elements.
Note: The exact steps can vary based on the version of the OpenProj software you are using.