How to open a password-protected PowerPoint file?

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I am using MS PowerPoint 2003 and made a password-protected PowerPoint file. I don't remember the password but I need this file for my work, so now what should I do to open it? Please, give me an answer.

8 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (420 points)

I happened to got this problem and i try to find out any free method to unlock it but there is none. Finally I use a tool called SmartKey Office Password Recovery 5.0.It is said that it is a professional Office password recovery tool to recover lost Microsoft Office document like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. Many you can try. Details in:

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

To open the file you need the password. Since you lost the password you need a program to help you recover it. A reliable tool for this task is Advanced Office Password Recovery. This program enables you to recover the passwords of all your password-protected Microsoft Office documents. You can download and find more information about it at

After you recover the password, open the file, enter the password and select from the PowerPoint interface “Tools”. From “Tools” open “Options” and select “Security”. There you simply delete the password and the file won't be password-protected any more.

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You may utilize recovery for PowerPoint download

This solution will help you to understand how to work with powerpoint documents

0 votes
answered by (180 points)

How to crack PowerPoint password without knowing it? If you forgot//lost password and cannot open/edit your ppt/pptx file, Password Recovery Bundle can help recover ppt/pptx file password and open your password protected ppt/pptx file. This also works for office word, excel, outlook, access, rar, zip, pdf on any laptop/desktop/tablet. Detailed info:

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MS PowerPoint passwords can easily recovered by Office password recovery software. It helps to recover read only passwords from the Microsoft PowerPoint File. This is all in one software application for recovering any type of lost or forgotten passwords for Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, Microsoft Outlook e-mail accounts, Microsoft Access databases, Microsoft OneNote notebooks and Microsoft Word documents and personal folder files. For more information see:

0 votes
answered by (140 points)
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This useful solution will help you to recover lost MS Office password and it is also retrieve forget password from Excel,PowerPoint,word etc.for more info about this solution you can follow the below given details.

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No avatar answered by (200 points)
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One more quick question. What version of office? This can be a big factor in breaking the password. I personally suggest you try iSeePassword Office password recovery tool, it can recover your password from PowerPoint.

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There is any other manual step to recover password. Please let me know?

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