Hi, who ever has the problem with NUDI 5.0 I have the solution...
If u get stucked in 100% while installing . Just stop the installation .. then go to ur drive where operating system is stored . Then just go to program files and find nudi folder.. there u will get nudi and Sarala nudi make a shortcut of nudi 5.0 to ur desktop..
If ur facing a problem after this.. like while u open nudi image will come at the center then it will disappear.. if this the case.. then
Go to TASK MANAGER (ctrl+shift+esc)
Then u will find nudi 32bit in background process
After that right click on that
U will find GO TO DETAILS. Click on it
Then u will find many running softwares. Find nudi.exe right click on it then go to set priority and select high . Do not select Realtime select high...
This will solve many of your problem thank you!!!