How do I transfer my library from my old kindle to my new papwerwhite kindle?

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asked by about Kindle

1 Answer

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answered by (91k points)

To transfer your library from your old Kindle to your new Paperwhite Kindle, you can follow these steps:
1. Connect both Kindles to your Mac using USB cables.
2. Open the Kindle application on your Mac.
3. Select the "Device" tab.
4. Choose your old Kindle from the list of devices.
5. Click on the "Library" button in the top-left corner.
6. Select the books you want to transfer by checking the checkboxes next to them.
7. Click on the "Export" button and choose the destination folder where you want to save the exported files.
8. Disconnect your old Kindle and connect the new Paperwhite Kindle.
9. Click on the "Device" tab again and choose your Paperwhite Kindle.
10. Click on the "Add Books" button and select the exported files from your computer.
11. The selected books will be transferred to your new Kindle.

Ensure you have authorized your new Paperwhite Kindle with the same Amazon account to access your previously purchased books.

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