Problem with "Download 'N Save" and reloading

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I have AdBlock Plus installed on Google Chrome. However, all that appears on my computer is the short line "Ads by Download 'N Save". The problem I have with it is that every second, my page reloads and another line of the above appears beneath it. I don't care about the line itself, but rather the fact that it keeps reloading. Is there a way to stop the reloading? I have tried refreshing the page myself and re-installing AdBlock Plus, but nothing has worked thus far.

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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I suppose AdBlock isn't configured with additional blocking lists because I encountered the same problem and all I needed to configure was the extension itself. No matter what the browser is, simply visit its configuration page and add the remaining lists.

I have attached an image where you can see clearly what and where to add.

Adblock Configuration Settings

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