What is the cost for an enterprise/business license?

+1 vote
asked by about Compare It!

What is the cost for an enterprise/business license?

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered by

Enterprise license is 990$? but now we have 50% off offer too. Business license for single user is same as for home user - 29$.

+1 vote
answered by (1.5k points)

A business license could cost anywhere from $25 to several hundred dollars, depending on what you do and where you conduct business.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (1.3k points)

Assuming you reside in the US, you would need to either form a corporation, which can be done for about $3/400 in my state, or a DBA (probably best for your situation at first). A quick Google search should help you locate local assistance for this. You must pay taxes on the income you receive from the business, and establishing one gives you security. If you are a legitimate business entity, a client cannot sue you personally, but if you operate covertly and off the books, you run the risk of being found out.

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