How to manually uninstall Atheros Bluetooth Suite 64?

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On attempting to install Windows 8 PRO, I was instructed to manually uninstall Atheros Bluetooth suite in order to proceed with installation. I have deleted all Atheros folders and files with that name in them. Still unable to proceed. How do I complete the manual uninstall process?

2 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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Manual uninstallation is not recommended because the thing with bluetooth installations is that there are many entries in registry that need to be removed automatically. You should use its own uninstaller in order to properly remove the entire driver structure and files and then perform a Windows 8 installation/upgrade. Using 3rd party applications to remove drivers and registry entries could lead to system instability.

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answered by

Atheros Bluetooth Suite 64? I am having serious problem with this problem called ' Atheros Bluetooth Suite 64?"

I have windows 8 and this Atheros Bluetooth Suite 64? is fouling all my files. any body can help?? Can Microsopft help??

Yeganeh Vienna Austria

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