Mathcad installation problem

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asked by (120 points)
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I just want to install the Mathcad Prime 2.0 received this week! There are two CD-ROMs, one for 64-bit Windows, another one for 32-bit, and I don't know which one to use? This PC is a Dell Vostro 420 and has got Windows XP, and Windows Vista (not activated).

Please, do answer me as soon as possible! Thanks!

V. Munteanu

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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You can check the version of the operating system installed by performing a right click on your 'My Computer' icon. You will see the version under the Windows Version area. If in Windows XP it says only Windows XP, then you will need to install the 32-bit version. The same thing applies to Windows Vista. In case it says 64-bit, you install the 64-bit version.

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