Is it a public free software?

0 votes
asked by (120 points) about PCOM32
edited by

Hi expert,

Is it a free software? If no, how to buy it? If yes, where to download it for free?

Thank you, Maxwell

4 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (42.3k points)

The latest version of the software was made back in 2008, and the official website is down, so there are little chances to get any support/download these days.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (1k points)

I don't find any official website for this software. Only informer has the little information so cant say anything about its purchase or download.


0 votes
No avatar answered by (220 points)

Yes, I do not buy any software another website

0 votes
answered by

I would like to try this program but there are so many other things here I can't find the trial download no, I do not want anything else.thank you

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