I do not have much first hand experience with chrome books because I have windows and trust me it is worth the extra bit of money. The exact part you nee from the website Roland suggested is this.
Lexus, there is a work around but you have to be somewhat technical savy?
Well if you heard of Chromebooks perhaps you have heard of Linux, you can install Linux on your Chromebook, it is called Crouton then you can install Ubuntu.
You can learn how to do this at: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/12/install-ubuntu-on-your-chromebook-using.html
And if you want to learn about Ubuntu go to: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop
Ubuntu is a version of Linux and Crouton allows you to install Ubuntu. Then through Linux you can install most Windows software and switch back to Chrome OS on the fly.
Be aware you probably can't do this on something like a school chromebook or one at work.
As well chances are Linux is going to be extremely slow on a chromebook and you will just give up.
Good luck hope that all helps.