I'm having trouble installing Atmosphir to see my son's project! Please help

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asked by about Atmosphir

Hello, I have tried numerous attempts to download, install, and launch various versions of Atmosphir for Mac. I'm using a 2011 Macbook Pro thats running Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6. Each time I try and launch the software I get the prompt "Oops! An error occurred. Your installation of Atmosphir is incomplete or invalid. Please make sure your internet connection is working and run the launcher again." I have tried all versions and keep getting the same response, very frustrating especially considering that I need Atmosphir to view my son's final project for his summer school and he's very uspset he can't see it.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (42.3k points)

The official website is down for a long time and the last program update was on 2011, so I doubt there will be any sense in searching the solution for your issue.

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