Can I make Logitech Wireless Presenter work with PDFLite?

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PDFLite seems to be one of the fastest PDF readers to load. However the PDF readers from most of other competitors (e.g Adobe, Foxit, Firefox, Avast, Chrome) work with the Logitech Wireless Presenter. Yours does not. Thoughts or ideas?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

PDFLite includes a plug-in for browsers. If by default you can't work with the Wireless Presenter, then load the PDF file in the browser and work in this way.

The alternative is to apply a compatibility tweak to PDFLite. Right click the main application and go to Properties > Compatibility and choose a previous version from the list. Usually, it works best with Windows XP or Windows 7.

You can also forward this issue to the developers to explain them what is not working, maybe they'll release an update.

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