cubeSQL ODBC OpenOffice problem.

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asked by (120 points)
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I have a database written in SQLite 3 with OpenOffice 3.1 base front-end. To make it suitable for multiuser I tried cubeSQL connected to OpenOffice (now I am using Libreoffice) with the ODBC driver.

That should be easy because CubeSQL is using the SQLite database engine. Although I can make a connection from Libreoffice base to the cubeSQL database and can open a table, the data is wrong, text data is too long.

The same ODBC driver is OK when I use it to connect MSExcel to cubeSQL. Is it something wrong in Libreoffice?

Please help! Robert W.

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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LibreOffice is different software than OpenOffice although they are applications which practically do the same thing. Before importing, please make sure LibreOffice is properly configured for the import process because, as you can see, when you import data, the fields are not configured properly.

The solution to this is easy: when you import the data, check all the fields to be configured with the data required by the imported file.

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