Is there a 32 bit to 64 bit update for Estate Planner 2.0?

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asked by about Estate Planner
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Is there a 32 bit to 64 bit Update Estate Planner 2.0? I wanted to update my will but says I can't because I am now running Windows 10 on a newer computer.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

No, there is no updated version of Estate Planner to support Windows 10 on 32 or 64bit. I've searched on their website but all the links lead to a 404 page with no resources. Because of that I have to believe that Estate Planner is now a discontinued application. There is also no info about its return or if it will ever return.

I believe that you'll have to get back to the previous version of Windows (Start > Settings > Backup and Recovery > Get back) if you updated from Windows 7 or 8.

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answered by

Dale, I used to have the CD with this program loaded onto my Dell 4400 using windows XP and my computer crashed and is not fixable without losing all programs. I have lost possession of the original CD. I absolutely loved the program and have a strong desire to get it loaded again onto a computer to which the software is compatible (with the windows operating system earlier than Windows 10 I guess). I would like to work something out with you to orchestrate this if possible, as I have not been able to find anything in the marketplace that duplicates what this software does. Please contact me at if you are interested in helping a fellow enthusiast of this software gem! Regards, John

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