Problem sending file.

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asked by about eBIRForms
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There is a problem sending file. The Internet connection is good. After 1 million attempts and today is deadline, still getting the tax return not submitted due to no Internet connection or slow Internet connection, overly restrictive firewall. This only happens lately so it seems something wrong with BIR server. Please fix asap.

3 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (329k points)

Since this is a governmental application, the only ones who can provide support and status information are the developers from there the eBIRForms is listed for download.

I suggest reaching the developers and using their contact methods to get an overview about the current situation with the connectivity and servers, but before you do that make sure to add the program to exclusions and disable any programs that have to do with proxies. Check the Internet Options as well and disable any proxy setting that you might have set up. eBIRForms probably doesn't have support for this.

commented by (100 points)
If you answer like this the problem will always coming back, a lot of complain about sending the BIR files, I think you cannot provide a solution on this  just take a look ( attempt million times ) or the Bureau wants an additional collection from the penalties because to those who cannot file or late filling can accumulate penalties
0 votes
answered by

uninstall ebirforms, and ati-virus then reinstall again the ebirforms offline

0 votes
answered by

It's a strategy to get more penalties! It's a common issue. BIR has a lot of money not to upgrade their system to be more efficient, little it's effective. Worst national government agency is BIR in the PH.

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