How do I use Geniesoft Overture in Windows 10?

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asked by about Geniesoft Overture
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Is there any way to use Geniesoft Overture in Window 10? Windows 10 didn't work. How do I use Geniesoft Overture in Windows 10?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

The Overture 5.5 is listed to be compatible with Windows 7 and above. This means it will work properly in Windows 10. It's also specified that it will run only on 64bit versions of Windows. If you have a 32bit version installed, then the software will give you errors. Download the latest version from its official website.

Note: An account is needed to be able to start the download process.

Here is the app running on Windows 10 64bit:

Main Window

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