I recently upgraded to an iPhone X as well as updated to iOS 11.
I have had your QuickVoice Pro App (RED one). For over 8 years. Love your product. However this is the first time through all the upgrades that I have done with my phone and brought over 100’s if not 1,000’s of recordings, this is the first time that when I upgraded to my iPhone X that all my recording were not in order of oldest recording to newest recording.
This is extremely disappointing as you can only imagine how many recordings I have accumulated over the last 8 years. I can’t figure out even a pattern as to how they save them in the app. They are not in any chronological order, alphabetical order, date order or even amount of space order.
It used to be when I would record a new recording, it would be the last recording on my list and in date order, now it just scrambles it and I have to search through hundreds of recordings to find the most recent recording. Please let me know what is happening. Thanks!