Re-install Janus 4.3 on Windows 10.

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asked by about Janus
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I purchased Janus 4.3 a few years ago and I now have a new Windows 10 PC and wish to install it on here and then upgrade it to Janus . I know my original key.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

If you still have the key, then the software is available for download from the official website. However, the upgrade is not free and users with a key for version 4 of Janus are instructed to enter it and select the Janus 5 Upgrade from Janus 4 form on the same website.

Access the page, enter the key and then you'll be able to upgrade for $79.00 USD. This is the only possible way. If you have any other questions about this process, get in touch with the developers.

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