Commercial use of the tarot script.

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asked by about Rider Tarot - Gypsy Edition
edited by

I am looking for a script to add to my website and maybe blog, to give a free mini reading to my visitors with the hope they then purchase a full reading from me.

The script must be easy to use and to install as my knowledge of HTML is not brilliant. I would like to be able to add and edit the script.

Do you have a script like this I can use?

Many thanks, Amber .

1 Answer

0 votes
No avatar answered by (309k points)

A tarot script will require some sort of backend PHP files and a database to pull the readings from. Unfortunately, Rider Tarot wasn't developed for such purposes and it's running on Windows platforms.

I've placed a search on the Google Search and customized one that shows only the things you need. Access the following link to see the results.

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