FTP Connected but Telnet disconnected the DCC E2.

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asked by about Dreambox Control Center
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Ftp and Telnet connect but after 1 min Telnet disconnected on dcc-e2, I have checked the firewalls but nothing seems to help. Is this compatible with Windows 10?

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (236k points)

According to details and troubleshooting guides found on a forum, it appears that the most common causes of this issue are related to the wrong password, wrong box IP or no connection to the box. I recommend you check all of them, and additionally make sure that you have the latest version of the software installed as well. From what I understand you have the possibility to install the latest version right from the software using a built-in module.

Additionally, note the admin as the user and dreambox in case you need it.

0 votes
answered by

I have the same problem - ver 2.6 I've tried already root /admin dreambox IP is set correctly for the device (checked by searching and on router as well) Network is showing OK and all green lines between devices

Telnet Connected FTP Connected

Bootmanager: not found. Telnet Disconnected Telnet login incorrect!

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