Exchange EDB corruption.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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Recently my server crashes, the contained files and data exchange via e-mail. I have a backup and I was able to recover all the data except for one mailbox that has messages with attachments, but the body of the email is missing.

Esutil is reporting that the .edb file is in a dirty state. Is there a repair tool that can correct the database that’s currently in a dirty state?

The exchange version is Exchange Server 2013 v.15.0 with service pack 1 installed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

I wouldn't recommend using third party tools to manipulate the EDB files primarily because they're extremely expensive and secondly because the chances of recovering the contents or fixing the file are close to 0. As far as I know, Exchange should have some sort of tools to help you diagnose the problem with the EDB file.

And as I thought, the TechNet website provides information on how to attempt a possible fix for your EDB files.

  1. Run Eseutil /P.
  2. After Eseutil /P completes successfully, run Eseutil /D.
  3. After Eseutil /D completes successfully, run Isinteg –fix –test alltests.

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