The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available.

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asked by about eBIRForms
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Apparently, I can't submit my 2551M form because a script error kept prompting:

Line: 873 Char: 3 Error: The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available. Code: 0 URL: file:///C:/Users/admin/AppData/Local/Temp/%7BF8CEE068-E978-43EF-9047-8009081D995F%7D/js/string-util.js

Please help. Thanks!

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

There is an issue with the Javascript provided by the developers of the eBIRForms. I recommend reinstalling the Java Runtime on your PC and then repeat the sending procedure. If I am correct, the software should work now. Also, run the software as Administrator because it will give eBIRForms complete access to system resources. This is mandatory when you want to avoid as many errors as possible.

Secondly, contact the developers and ask them about this issue:

commented by (100 points)
Good day sir. I am using the ebir offline ever since. For several months, i am using the version 6.0, and i have no problem about it. However, as of this day, 07/24/17, trying to submit my 2550Q with no output, i experienced for the first time the script error stated above. I tried your recommendation (reinstall and update my java). then restarted my laptop, but still no luck after so many times of sending it. I also tried installing the 6.3, then after, i tried also downgrading to 5.0, still not working for me. Do you have anymore suggestions? Thanks
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answered by

On my side, I was able to identify the cause of the issue. The main reason for this issue is that my laptop is connected via LAN cable. I've seen one post saying that he used WiFi hotspot and that gives me the idea. For those who have the same issue, you can try to connect your laptop to WiFi instead of LAN cable (if issue still exists, try using a different wifi hotspot).

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answered by

currently having the same issues. tried all suggestions as stated. updated java runtime, tried using wifi connection instead of lan. same issues. anyone else got a fix?

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answered by

The same thing happened to me just earlier. I'm using a desktop btw. Any other way to resolve this?

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