"Range Violation" when using Gramblr.

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I can't access to Gramblr, I double-click on the icon and it says "Error - Range violation". What do I do?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Although the software appears to be quite known on the Internet, this error doesn't appear anywhere which means it isn't something developers though to describe on their website because it can be fixed easily.

As far as I know, Gramblr is heavy dependent on the NET Framework. You have to make sure that NET Framework is installed properly to the latest version and works without errors, then you can install the latest version of Gramblr.


  1. Gramblr: http://gramblr.com/uploader/#home
  2. NET Framework: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53344
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I have the same error (range violation) i can't open gramblr, even if re install the app (sometimes it opens up, and when i login it loads infinetely, it doesn't let me acces.

it works fine on my 2nd pc though, what should i do to make it functional again on my main pc ?

Thanks in advance

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