Unable to activate the application.

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I have downloaded latest version. After entering all data in the required fields, finally it shows error and asks to contact S2. Please let us guide for demo version.

With regards, Baldev Bhojani.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

I've downloaded the demo application and and filled it with some data. If you don't enter the phone number correctly, the SMS with the code won't arrive, or if you add the email into the correct field, then the code will be sent. I've used this way and everything works normally without errors.

Make sure that the Firewall is turned off on your PC so that the application can send a request for a demo code.

Alternatively, contact the developers of the application: http://s2analytics.com/website/contact.php?p=cnt&osCsid=89ff705e3c2c11b84a46c2064a0b3fc9

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