I just installed Sartorius Workbench and need calibration info.

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No avatar asked by (720 points) about Sartorius Workbench - ConfigureIt Professional
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I just installed Sartorius Workbench. But I don't know how to do Calibration with it?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

The support page of Sartorius doesn't provide anything related to the availability of calibration procedure. There is one question related to how often the calibration should occur, but that's it.

There are two ways to obtain info to this:

  1. Contact the developers and ask for additional information.

Phone: +49.551.308.3333 Fax: +49.551.308.3730 E-mail: technical-service-germany@sartorius.com

  1. Look in the manual of the application. You can find user guides in the installation directory or through the built-in Help menu in the main menu bar. Access the contents of the help and switch to the Search function.

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