Face load factor.

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asked by about KISSsoft
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My name is Mehdi and I am a mechanical engineer. I am designing a two-stage helical gearbox by KISSsoft. I have a question and I will appreciate if you answer.

During modifying the face load factor (Khb) some error happens and I don't know what should I do. The error: GearPair_const1_calc.OpenInterface: Unknown exception Function: ksoft_StartInterface

Face load modification for spur gear is done without any problem but I don't know what is wrong with helical.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

I've used all the available search engines with hope to find this error, but couldn't find anything about KISSsoft and right now you have two choices:

  • look in the installation directory to see if there is a manual because sometimes you can find a solution to errors.

  • the developers provide documentation on the web and you can use that in order to learn how the program works to avoid errors.

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