Issue with the WebAcces Networking IMM.

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asked by about Advantech WebAccess+IMM Client
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When using WebAccess networking it does not refresh the device when it comes down. Also, when I dispatch a schedule, it takes to much time in doing the dispatch. Can you help me please? Thanks in advance.

Erick Reyes (fron Chile)

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

The client depends on some modules and 3rd party apps for its functionality, therefore I recommend you install those through its main installed and above all, make sure that your Internet Explorer is exactly the one recommended in the system requirements, because everything can go wrong with these apps when Internet Explorer is not working properly. I believe this is the issue you've encountered.

Reinstall the application and also make sure the Internet Explorer is working normally as well. If you run into other problems, go to Internet Options > Advanced> Reset, then reinstall the modules.

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