Availability of MP3+G Toolz.

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asked by about MP3+G Toolz
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The Mp3Toolz4s are not active anymore and I haven't been able to download a replacement. My computer is having some problems and that may be the answer. Does the MP3+G Toolz do the same operation and is it still available to use?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

The developers of MP3+G Toolz are not active on the Internet anymore. I've tried to access their website and a generic page is displayed instead which means that now everything is discontinued, including the MP3+G Toolz application. Activation won't be possible anymore if it requires activation over the Internet.

I couldn't find a link to download the installer because all the links point to the same old website that is now discontinued.

As alternative, use the following application: http://www.powerkaraoke.com/src/prod_powercdgburner.php

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