Admiralty gateway installation.

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asked by about ADMIRALTY
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Good day! I have installed Admiralty Gateway ver 4.2. When I try to open it from the desktop, a welcome screen appears and nothing more. After few minutes this screen disappears. In Windows Task Manager/process - "ukho planning station.exe" is running. Please advise.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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The software requires Microsoft SQL Server Express to work because this is a database server, and ADMIRALTY is using it. If only the intro logo appears, then the software can't connect to the SQL Server. I recommend reinstalling the main package, but this time use Run As Administrator option. There is also a patch you can download and apply plus a user guide on how to properly install the update.

Here are the details to login to the FTP server:

URL: Username: ukhopublic Password: Public12345

0 votes
answered by

Only welcome screen appears nothing more tried with microsoft sql server download manually still not working

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