Help with password reset.

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Hello, I work at Brunette & Associates as part of First Allied and I need a password reset for Retriever1.3. I submitted a request to another department which took them 3 days to reply only to tell me I needed to contact you. There has to be someone who can reset my password. By the way, isn't there a simple phone number you can contact? This has to be the most simple request but has caused such a major amount of time. I am hopeful you can help me.

My user name is terri.r My email is t.ringham@brunetteandassociates My phone number is 317-238-6582

It may show Terri Ringham or Theresa Ringham but I am hopeful you can help me as soon as possible.

Thank you.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

I've searched the web but didn't find anything related to Retriever1.3. Also, I don't think a developer will forward your request to a 3rd party forum or answers platform which means that you didn't contact the correct developers at all. Open the software, then go to Help > About to note the real contact options. Use those to get in touch with the developers.

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