Modelisation of lake Orta.

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asked by about AQUATOX
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I have some issues to make Aquatox work correctly. I would like to model the development of Lake Orta (Italy). My professor gave me a file containing all the initial conditions I have to use. The aim of the study is to compare two different scenarios: one where the initial conditions remain unchanged and another one taking into account an increase in nutrient input by 2% per year. (I'm modeling between 2017 and 2037). Here are my questions:

  1. Can you confirm that the perturbed simulation is taking into account a change in the initial conditions and that the control scenario is the reference scenario?

  2. Can my reference (= control) scenario be obtained by only running the simulation with the initial conditions ?

  3. I don't know how to simulate the scenario with the increase in the nutrient input. How can I proceed to add the supplementary input of nutrient? I saw that I can add a multiplying factor in the edit state variable data panel: I use "dynamic loading" and I enter a 1.02 value, is that correct?

  4. Finally, when I run the scenarios (maybe with the wrong values), I can't obtain the graph "difference" because it displays :"control and perturbed runs have a different number of data points". Do you know how I can solve this problem?

Thank you.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

The Aquatox developers have created a dedicated page where you can see and download all the resources available for this application. I recommend you to visit the link posted below to reach the downloads and training. You will have better luck getting the answers to your questions in this manner.

Official website:

On the page you'll find training materials, sample files, downloadable examples, models and documentation.

0 votes
answered by

Hello, Thanks for your nice information sharing. Just searching a video content for aquatox simulation running , would

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