FSX Booster 2013 reactivation.

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asked by about FSX Booster 2013
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I have recently changed and upgraded my PC, but now I can't install FSX BOOSTER 2013 to my system. My original serial number is attached. Could you please reactivate it so I can reinstall it?

License Key/Serial Key: 699E-4EDD-CF-A1B1-XXXX

Kind regards, Mark Logan

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

The Booster 2013 version isn't available anymore on the developer's website. I've checked and it appears that they dropped support for 2013 version. They have a new version they now sell which is compatible with the Microsoft FSX.

This is the new website: http://www.thefsps.com/fsx/fsx-booster-live.html

Also, for everything related to registration and serial numbers, Customer Support is the correct section that you need to access. On the website, it's in the top menu on the left side.

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