Superimpose of clothings over body.

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asked by about iClone Studio
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I need an application that will enable me to achieve the following.

a. Photo 1: Human model photo taken with dress 1. b. Photo 2: Mannequin(similar in size to human model) photo taken with dress2. c. Edit Photo 1 such that human model is wearing dress 2.

Features required

  1. Superimpose of dress, key body parts (head, limbs,etc)

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

You either have to learn how to use the already developed tools that allow image manipulation and video editing or ask the help of a freelancer to create an application that will do what you've said, because there is no application available based on your needs.

While having your own app can be nice, you should consider the costs. It's easier to learn how to use Photoshop and After Effects for example, instead of paying someone to create the tool for you.

I've also searched the web for this kind of application that you requested above, but didn't find anything.

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