Phone works when plugged in but will not charge.

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asked by (140 points)
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My Samsung Galaxy S5 all of a sudden started making the "plugged in" then "not plugged in" set of sound every few seconds. Now it no longer shows the charging symbol when plugged in, and the battery does not charge either when turned on or turned off. When turned off and plugged in, it shows the lightning bolt symbol for a few seconds, then switched to the yellow exclamation point battery sign.

The big twist: The phone works fine when plugged in, and the battery does not drain while plugged in. Therefore, the charging port is clearly still functioning and powering the phone.

Testing rules out the wall socket, the adapter, the charge cable, the battery, and apparently the charge port as points of failure. I have no ideea what else could have failed. Help!


Tested with known good adapter (verified with different phone) Tested with a different, know good battery Tried with multiple known good wall sockets Tried to charge while turned off Cleared both charge port and charger pins with compressed air Visual inspection (no bent pins) Soft reset Reboot

Thanks, John Augustine.

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

Since you've tested all the possible ways I recommend taking the phone to a phone repair service. This can be easily a hardware issue although visual inspection doesn't show anything. I also recommend factory resetting the phone to its default. Sometimes this operation clears a lot of problems that you might encounter.

There isn't anything else you can test since you've already done everything on your part. You just need professional service to inspect the phone and its hardware.

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