How to play recordings in iTools?

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asked by about Oxford iTools
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I can't play audio recordings in my Oxford iTools. When I try to play a recording, the audio window shows the VLC player icon and pressing play button - nothing happens - there is no sound. My speakers work properly and I can play audio recordings in other programs.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

VLC might have issues with the playback because of compatibility with the codecs or the lack of codecs, but this is rather unusual to happen since VLC is known to support all the video formats there are except the proprietary ones. If you believe this is an error with the software, reinstall it as it's available and updated to support new features, but if the video file is corrupted, then you have to acquire it again.

In most of the cases, when only the Audio is playing, there are no available video decoders to decode the image.

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I was able to fix this problem on my computer, if anyone is having trouble playing content after pressing a button on the ebook, just do the following:

go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxford Phonics World Level 2.flash_installers\windows or where ever else you have installed the program.

run "install_flash_player.exe"

after that it should work fine

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