Seek AC update of an external USB WIFI antenna firmware powered by RT2870 network adapter.

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asked by about Ralink RT2870 Wireless LAN Card
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Hardware :: USB External WIFI Antenna Firmware :: RT2870 Network Adapter WIFI :: 802.11b/g/n protocols
Soft AP :: Yes (can transmit as a "soft access point"

Issue: this antenna performs well but does not appear to feature the newer AC protocol.

Let me know if you know if it is possible to upgrade the firmware of this hardware device to support the newer AC protocol standard.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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You can't implement a feature that is directly related to the physical chips through an update. This is not possible. You will need a new Wireless card that has native support for AC connectivity from the factory. It's not possible to add it through an update unless the manufacturer secretly added it when the chip was created and then released using an update. There are plenty of cards to choose from. Use the Amazon or Newegg website to buy one.

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