We are looking for a piece of software to analyse survey data.

0 votes
asked by about TOM Micro
edited by

Dear Sirs/Madams,

We are a start-up company and would like to capture results from survey data in a software that would allow us to easily analyze the results. Looking at the TOM Micro software, it appears to be ideal. What are the set-up and annual on-going cost for this software? Also, if we share this with our clients for them to also analyze the data, what is the cost to them?

We look forward to your feedback.

Regards, Antoine & Dyah

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

The TOM Micro application that you have mentioned, doesn't seem to be available on any of the available website. I've used all the search strings in order to identify the application, but there isn't anything available for this procedure.

I've, however, managed to track the developer's website therefore making it possible to contact them, because the details you need are transmitted to you based on a procedure.

Here is the page with the contact details: http://www.odec.es/web/guest/atencion-al-cliente

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