Free windows software for Tivizen.

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I bought this week the Tivizen iPlug DVB-T WIFI for Apple, Android iCube Windows, Mac and the Tivizen Nano DVB-T WIFI for Apple, Android iCube, Windows, Mac. On their package it's said that you should get the free download of the Tivizen software for Windows at and for Mac on MAC APP Store. But it seems that the download support from Tivizen has ended 2011. Do you know where I can get the free software for Apple Eye TV and Windows? On Geniatech there is no free download for Eye TV.

Thank you for investigation. Ulrike Manten

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

Their download page is broken, that's why you can't see any software, but I can guarantee you that the links are available. Access the download page and press CTRL + U, then CTRL + F and type EXE and you will find all the links to the software.

Here is one that you might need:

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