Problem with publishing and saving quiz file as .zip.

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asked by about QuizForce
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I am facing two problems when publishing a quiz from QuizForce into LMS 365 and SCORM:

  1. First of all, after publishing and opening it in the browser it says: "Unable to locate the LMS's API Implementation. Communication with the LMS will not occur." What does it mean?

  2. When uploading the correct file in SCORM it is not possible to upload it as ZIP which is a SCORM requirement. Is it possible to save QuizForze file as .zip?

Thanks for your help.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

According to some discussions on various forums, it appears there are two possible causes to the first error: you are using a different browser other than Internet Explorer. If you have something to do with browsers, switch to Internet explorer or use the package in the LMS only or any other LMS enabled application.

For second error, access the following website which explains the process of working with SCORM and packages:

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