Many users nowadays encounter this compatibility problem regarding their old and functional applications. Once with the release of Windows 7 and higher some applications that were working perfectly on Windows XP, ceased work on Vista or 7. Luckily there is a way to overcome this issue by installing Windows XP inside Windows 7 using the virtualization technology. Please follow the link to the official installing tutorial of Windows XP mode in Windows 7 and download the file and the Virtual PC. These files were optimized so they need only a single click and the rest is done automatically. After you finish installing Virtual PC, double click the XP package and let it install then reboot your computer. When you log in back to Windows 7 desktop, locate your old application and run it. Windows will ask you how do you want it to run and when it does that, select Windows XP and your old application will run in Windows XP mode under Windows 7 operating system.