How do I get my Penguin Puzzle to work on Windows 10?

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asked by about Penguin Puzzle
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Penquin Puzzle works fine on Windows 7 but is apparently incompatible with Windows 10. Is there a fix for this or a new download? Can't download from application's page.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

There is no way to have the software working in Windows 10. I've downloaded the latest version available and installed it on Windows 10. Although it installs just fine, the software will give you an error when it's launched. I've tried to obtain an updated version, but it was impossible since the official website is not working anymore.

I've also used Compatibility tweaks and I got the same error.

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answered by

Same I've tried many things to get this game to work.

I LOVE THIS GAME. My entire family loved playing this game back when we used to have it, now we cannot get it to work on Microsoft windows 10. Gahhh, highly doubt this will work on windows 11 either. The only way to get this game to function properly is to play it off of windows 7 and lower. Sorry people, this game will not work on windows 10 no matter what you do.

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