Converting UTM Zone 28N to UTM zone 29N Senegal.

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asked by about Franson CoordTrans
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I am in Senegal, I want to convert UTM coordinates in zone 28N to UTM zone 29N and vice versa. Not able to get the option for this on Franson CoordTrans. I find UTM zone 28N for Senegal Region but no UTM zone 29N.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

There is a simple way to obtain the answer you need. Open the software then switch to Easting/Northing. On each section, next to Grid press the Browse button. It's a ...(dots) button. On the bottom of the window, there is a Find section. You can do the same for both sections. Type there UTM ZONE 28 and UTM ZONE 29. Since there are many like these, double click the zones to choose the corresponding country.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Thanks, Sean. I have done exactly what you described but Senegal is not in the list for WGS84 UTM Zone 29N, it is in the list for Zone 28N. I am working with two zones and want to be able to convert from WGS84 UTM Zone 28N to WGS84 UTM Zone 29N and vice versa. Please I am looking for help

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