I need to open .pza files from Photo Suite.

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asked by about Photo Suite
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I no longer have the Photo Suite program, but I need to open .pza files made by this program. Can anyone help me to get the pictures and info from my .pza files?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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I've checked various websites and programs, but there is none that can open the PZA files. I used some applications that open graphical formats, and the PZA file format doesn't appear to be supported, which means it's proprietary and can be opened only with the Photo Suite application. I recommend contacting those you got the application from to request an update, because this is the only way you will open those PZA files.

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Thank you, Sean I appreciate your trying to help me. Thank you for putting in the time to get me an answer. I was just getting no where. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

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