Where does Easyweather export its data to?

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asked by about EasyWeather
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I have been using Easy Weather for 3 or 4 years, and export my log data on a regular basis, and when I do, the program shows a list of previous exports, so I know what name to call the new one.

Having bought a new PC, I wanted to migrate software and data to my new PC. When I looked for the exported log files, they are not there, despite still being listed within EasyWeather! Easyweather says I'm exporting to the Easy Weather program's directory, but when I looked there, there are no files there, why?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

Indeed, the software stores the recorded data in a file located in the installation directory.

The file you need to backup or check is: c:\Program Files (x86)\Easyweather\EasyWeather.mdb

Copy this file, and install the software on the new machine, then replace it and load the application, then the values will appear.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

Sean Thanks for replying, but there is no such file in above location. As Easyweather shows the newly exported file in list of exports, that information must have been stored somewhere for it to show, yet all files in that location were last modified in 2010!

Your answer prompted me to have a very deep search of my C: Drive, as information about previous files must have been stored somewhere for program to retrieve it, and lo and behold I did find the files eventually, in the "Program Files(86)\EasyWeather", BUT not the one where program was installed, but this one:

C:\Users\Mick Acer\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\EasyWeather

Not exactly intuitive. I think I'll move them to somewhere easier to find - lol

Thanks again Mike

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