How to unprotect my pendrive?

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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Please give me information how to unprotect pendrive. I can't copy my files on the pendrive. When I try to do it, it shows: Pendrive is write protected.

2 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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Usually a simple format of the pendrive resolves this issue but in most of the cases the pendrive remains in the state it is right now. You can try different format tools but you will not succeed due to the fact that the drive has been chip locked. In such cases, you either buy a new one or send it to the warranty service.

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Try these steps

  1. Click Start->Run.

2)Type regedit and hit enter.

3)Click file and click Export and give a file name and save. Just to rollback if you want.

4)Click on the plus sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ...more Try these steps

  1. Click Start->Run.

2)Type regedit and hit enter.

3)Click file and click Export and give a file name and save. Just to rollback if you want.

4)Click on the plus sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

5)Click on the plus sign next to SYSTEM

6)Click on the plus sign next to CurrentControlSet

7)Click on the plus sign next to Control

8)Click on the plus sign next to StorageDevicePolicies

9)Write click on WriteProtect and click modify.

10)If the value data is 1 change it 0 and click ok.

11)Repeat steps 7 to 10 for ControlSet001 and ControlSet002 .

12)Close Registry editor and restart the computer.

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