Can Job recirculation be done on Lekin software?

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Can Job recirculation be done on Lekin software

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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No, Job recirculation is not available in the LEKIN application. I have checked various applications and websites, and it's specified clearly that this operation is not possible.

It was mentioned on the Scialert website: "...LEKIN® software does not take into account recirculation of the job, whereas recirculation feature is added in the developed software."

You can find more here:

commented by (100 points)
Thank You very much for your answer. I have confirmed this from the software help desk. However, I would like to asked if task can be added to a job in the Lekin software also. I have got a scheduling problem to solve with 7 jobs but each job has got different task. I will appreciate if you can help. Thanks

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