My FSX simulator now refuses FScopilot.

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asked by about FSFDT FSInn
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My FSinn and copilot worked fine until Yesterday. Now I have an error saying "Flight simulator has detected a problem with a third party software. name: FS copilot for FS2002/FS2004/FSX Version Company: FS French Dev Team File: Modules\FSCopilot.dll

If I continue FSX crashes. I have not made changes or downloaded software.

FSinn version is 13B2_3. FSCopilot version is 17B2_4.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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FSCopilot goes hand in hand with FSInn, which means that if an application was updated and the other one remained at the same version, then you will have compatibility issues.

However, I advise checking the INI files for both plug-ins to see if the settings are correct and reflect your configuration.

I have also checked version 1.3 and 1.7, and it seems they're compatible one with each other.

Additionally, reinstall all the applications in order and then try again.

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